North Dakota

With a strong and growing coalition in North Dakota for more than 5 years, the USGLC works to educate and engage policymakers and community leaders on why investments in development and diplomacy help keep America safe and strengthen North Dakota’s economy.

The USGLC’s North Dakota Advisory Committee brings together more than 50 business, faith, non-profit, and political leaders who understand how American global leadership matters for North Dakota. We’re also proud of North Dakota’s Veterans for Smart Power – part of a nationwide network of 30,000 veterans.

  • What’s foreign aid worth to North Dakota? Accelerating the fight against human trafficking and its root causes.

    Than Baardson

    CEO and Co-Founder, Unseen

Top Facts

In 2023, North Dakota exported
$7.5 billion
in goods to foreign markets.

In North Dakota,
107,200 jobs (18.30%)
are supported by trade.

From 2022-2023,
2,102 international students
were enrolled in North Dakota colleges and universities.

Download North Dakota Fact Sheet

Advisory Committee

Hon. Earl Pomeroy
U.S. House of Representatives (1993-2011)
Secretary Ed Schafer
U.S. Department of Agriculture (2008-2009) and Governor (1992-2000)

Stories from North Dakota

What They’re Saying in the Heartland: COP27 and America’s Global Climate Leadership

North Dakota
Read More

U.S. Heartland Global Leadership Day

North Dakota
Read More

A Look at the Conflict in Ukraine from North Dakota

North Dakota
Read More

News & Press Related to North Dakota

September 07, 2023

Rep. Kelly Armstrong, Local and National Leaders Speak Out on What U.S. Global Engagement is Worth to North Dakota 

North Dakota

November 25, 2019

Sen. Kevin Cramer to 150+ Fargo Leaders: American Diplomacy, Foreign Assistance Crucial to North Dakota’s Economy, U.S. National Security

North Dakota

November 04, 2019

Working Together for the Good of North Dakota

North Dakota

Past Events

Exclusive Invite-Only Breakfast with Rep. Kelly Armstrong

September 7, 2023 8:45 am CT

Featured Speaker

Representative Kelly Armstrong

Featured Speaker

Lt. General Timothy G. Fay

Featured Speaker

Hon. Ed Schafer

Featured Speaker

Drew Combs

North Dakota Trade Office

2021 USGLC Heartland Summit

September 28, 2021 12:00 pm ET

Virtual Heartland Summit

America’s Role in the World: Why Leading Globally Matters to North Dakota

November 25, 2019 12:00 pm

Featured Speaker

Senator Kevin Cramer

U.S. Senate

Featured Speaker

Jock Scharfen


Featured Speaker

Lt. General Richard Newton

U.S. Air Force (Ret.)

Fargo, ND: Berg, Dahl, Haugen, Wald

June 30, 2011 8:00 am

Get in touch with us!

Eric Moorer

Director, Heartland Region